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Product Range
- Scanners-For All Scanning Needs
- Micrographic Equipment - Microfilm Readers / Archive Writers
- Scanning Services
- Software Solutions - Book and Newspaper Digitisation
Forestry & Survey Equipment
- Abney Levels
- Area Measurement
- Bark Guages
- Clinometers
- Compasses
- Diameter Tapes
- Distance Measurers
- Flagging Tapes
- Geological Hammers
- Haga Altimeters
- Hip Chains
- Hypsometers
- Increment Borers
- Increment Hammer
- Map Measurers / Curvimeters / Planimeters
- Measuring Tapes
- Measuring Wheels
- Planimeters
- Relaskops
- Survey Compass
- Survey Rope
- Tandem Compass/Clino
- Tapes - Measuring
- Tree Calipers
Map Measurers / Curvimeters / Planimeters

Map Measurers / Curvimeters / Pl
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